Therapy Outside The Box - Franklin, TN

“Think outside the box, collapse the box, take a f$#@ing sharp knife to it” -Banksy



In-Person FRanklin, TN (Greater NAshville).

some services available virtually 🖥️ 🎧 the 🌏 over.

Hello! I’m Chris Hancock, LCSW, ACMHP

NYU Grad / Licensed Clinical Social Worker-TN #4504 / Holistic-Integrative-Transpersonal Psychotherapist / Consultant / Clinical Supervisor / Early Adopter of Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy / Certified Ask & Receive Practitioner / ACISTE Certified Mental Health Provider / Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care Provider / Spiritual Emergence Network Provider / Psychedelic Support Network Provider / Association for Spiritual Integrity Member / International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) Approved Licensed Mental Health Provider / Emergent Phenomenon Research Consortium Member / Holistic Collective of TN Member / Spiritual Guide (Mystical-Gnosis Path) / Kriya Yoga Initiate (Paramahamsa Prajñānānanda) / Claircognizant-Clairsentient Intuitive / Multidimensional Cosmic Christ Consciousness Bridge -Theurgical Channel / Telepath-in-Development / Quantum Monotheist / Health-Medical Choice Advocate / Husband & Adoptive Parent x2 ❤️

26 Years serving souls in a body across the lifespan

(Ages 25 and up, some exceptions)

Through a variety of holistic and integrative approaches rooted in connection + decades of clinical and personal experience, I help awaken-ing souls discover all parts of Self, heal & release what doesn’t serve, transform breakdowns into breakthroughs, and embody greater wholeness, purpose, vitality, authenticity and awakened empowerment!


  • Confused about why things aren’t aligning despite your best intentions/affirmations/efforts?

  • Seeing yourself as unlovable, unworthy, inadequate, incompetent, too much, or too ‘weird’ or ‘different?’

  • Feeling disconnected from your Self, your purpose, or like something’s missing or blocking you​?

  • Afraid you’ll never find your people, your ‘tribe,’ or get to do what really lights you up?

  • Anxious about a life situation, major transition, or the state of the post-truth Brave New Orwellian world?

  • Losing your religion, deconstructing from oppressive dogma, recovering from a high-control religious environment, cult ideology, religious or spiritual abuse?

  • Experiencing a dark night of the soul/spiritual or psychic crisis, loss or acceleration of faith, or reeling from a mystical/numinous/near-death or other non-ordinary/anomalous, potentially transformative experience?

  • Questioning ‘consensus reality,’ becoming ‘red-pilled,’ unsure if you’re going mad or awakening (awake, not ‘woke’), connecting to higher faculties/guidance, piercing the veil, or deep in a rabbit hole and need a rope?

  • Exploring psychedelics/entheogenic plant medicine and need guidance, support, and integration assistance?

  • A lightworker, starseed, empath, or healer feeling too porous or blocked, a religious traditionalist experiencing a crisis of faith/belief, a therapist/helping professional burning out on conventional methods, being called to carve a new way forward but don’t know how, or fear how you’ll be viewed?

First, know this:

You’re not ‘broken’ or ‘abnormal’

There’s an infinitely whole, undamaged, untroubled essence within. A ‘Divine Spark.’ No matter what you’ve experienced, your essential wholeness— your time-transcendent eternal spiritual core—remains intact. Like the sun, when the storm ends and clouds part, is always there, undisturbed. We are that sun! But to gain and sustain access to that essence, our seat of consciousness— THE SELF IN YOU— vulnerable ‘parts’ of us may need compassionate witnessing and healing. Just as protective ones may need recognition and relief from the extreme roles they’ve played to keep us safe. And abnormal? By what measure? Who decides? Normality is illusion! Code for cultural conformity and self-betrayal. I can only help you embrace who you truly are, and what the world’s asking of you.

You don’t have a mental ‘disorder’

Suffering is real. Mental and emotional distress, depression, anxiety, extreme psychological states/psychotic episodes, trauma-induced destabilization/nervous system dysregulation, ancestral wounds, relational dysfunction, as well as mystical experiences, non-ordinary realities, altered states of consciousness—all real. But are these illnesses? Disorders? Pathologies? Conceptualizations like these come from the biomedicalpharma disease model. Unlike research/science-based medical diagnosis, psychiatric labels are subjective, unreliable, divisive, trauma un-informed, and the product of a conflict of interest-laden voting process, not empirical science. (Voting isn’t science). They’re largely are based on the unvetted assumptions, ideological biases, personal beliefs and opinions of a small homogenous task force lacking oversight [100% of whom have financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry. Source: PubMed]. Fortunately, there are more accurate, non-pathologizing, comprehensive ways of understanding the painful effects of overwhelming life experiences. Only through such compassionate and uncorrupted lenses can true healing occur—within spaces of mind-body-spirit awareness, safety, connection and acceptance—beyond the false constructs of disempowering labels perpetuated by a culturally-generated stigma of mental illness.

There’s nothing to ‘fix,’ ‘cure,’ or ‘get rid of’

People can’t be reduced to symptoms, behavior, genetics, neurotransmitter deficiencies, or trauma. Mental health and well-being exists on a continuum, reflecting our overall functioning within multiple domains of culture-bound experience. Yes, culture. The very concept of psychological illness is a product of socially constructed culture and consensus. Culture (i.e. consensus reality) dictates how we ‘should’ feel/think/act by programming us to believe that human experience is objective. In reality, it’s entirely subjective! And how a culture conceives of a mental state or subjective experience has a major influence on how destructive it is. While there’s an appropriate time and use for medication or other acute stabilization interventions (and often viable, safer, more effective alternatives), suffering is not something to be bypassed, rationalized, suppressed, pathologized, or tranquilized. It’s a growth process (albeit a sometimes unwieldy and messy one) to be honored, embraced, healed, integrated, transformed into wisdom and life force. Ultimately, trauma blocks love, connection, and creativity. And love rooted in secure attachment—and a true spiritual connection—holds the power to transcend wounding, heal, and reconnect us to our Self, our Soul, the Divine, and one another.

what you are is a unique, complex and evolving multidimensional soul. a wellspring of RESILIENCE, RESOURCEFULNESS, creativity, love, and EMBODIED AWARENESS. god CONSCIOUSNESS in action!

The question is:

What’s in the way?

(‘What’s in the way is the way’)

whether you want to:

-Access the infinite, undamaged healing essence within and heal wounded parts of you with love & compassion

-Help your body release the need to symbolically, symptomatically and somatically express emotional pain

-Construct and maintain healthy boundaries (‘strong back’) without sacrificing compassion (‘soft front’)

-Make peace with your past and start living in the ‘future-present’

-Transform suffering into wisdom and passion-driven, purposeful action/service/work

-Recover from betrayal, breakup or divorce and/or become the healthy partner you desire to attract

-Move from codependence/insecure attachment to healthy interdependence/secure attachment

-Become a more conscious and connected ‘Self-Led’ parent, stepparent or co-parent

-Transcend outdated beliefs around love/lovability, self-worth, money, etc

-Dissolve creative and other subconscious blocks at their energetic roots

-Awaken intuition, deepen embodiment, and expand your consciousness

-Begin shifting from a scarcity-based/surviving to an abundance-based/thriving consciousness

-Deconstruct and heal from oppressive/abusive religious or cult ideology and discover a more expansive worldview, dogma-free theology without borders / authentic spirituality without walls

-Access and integrate fragmented memories, somatic or other indicators of high strangeness, ‘experiencer’ / anomalous trauma

-Regain stability after an involuntary/destabilizing non-ordinary state of consciousness (NOSC) episode

-Prepare for and integrate a ketamine, psychedelic/sacred plant medicine or microsdosing journey from an Transpersonal-IFS-informed perspective

-Navigate a non-ordinary/mystical experience, spiritual awakening or other transformative experience

-Identify and heal generational wounds and ancestral/legacy burdens

-Experience higher source-assisted compassionate unburdening from foreign energies/energetic entities/(aka ‘unattached burdens’) in the mind-body-spirit system where confirmed to be present

-Transform tendencies toward spiritual bypassing in any of its myriad forms

- **Invoke the ‘I AM Presence,’ Supreme Beings, Holy/Illumined Ones, ascended masters, spirit guides, guardian, ministering and Archangels, helping spirits and nature-based elementals into your healing journey

- **Safely experience After Death Contact (ADC) with healed and well crossed-over loved ones, ancestors

- **Experience a Facilitated Mystical Experience (FME) led by one or more emissaries of The Divine realm within The Christos/’I AM Presence’ spectrum of pure consciousness

[**Mystical experiences, i.e. ‘Spiritual Presence Experiences’ (T. Luhrmann), or ‘Spiritually Transformative Experiences’ (Y. Kason) cannot be manufactured, guaranteed , or manifested at will. Yet upon invitation, usually in the context of Transpersonal IFS, or Multidimensional Divine Light Transmission® (MDLT), various benevolent, loving inhabitants of the subtle/higher angelic/multidimensional realms, spirit guides, guardians and ancestors lend energy, hold space, and at times directly participate, sometimes offering direct messages in the service of healing. But such occurrences can only be invited, in absence of fear, with reverence, awe, respect, and openness to what’s in the ‘highest and best good.’]

It’s all possible!

But not in isolation. No one heals in a vacuum. And to unlock your highest potential—to heal, to grow, create and sustain anything true, body-mind-spirit must be aligned, and all parts working in harmony with your Larger Self.

It would be my honor to assist *YOU with this!

*I want YOU to find the right help for you at the right time. Because mine is a niche practice and there’s often a waitlist, please note: 1) If your primary struggle is significant attention deficit, sensory processing/self-identified HSP, social anxiety, phobic/obsessive compulsivity (OCD spectrum) or a highly/chronically dysregulated nervous system (stuck in fight/fight/freeze, don’t feel safe in your body, or with others), I would first/instead seeking someone offering the Polyvagal-informed Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP), Somatic Experiencing, and/or other nervous system-regulating/brain&body-based interventions. For severe attentional and HSP/sensory integration struggles, functional medicine root cause/metabolic testing may be wise. 2) If you identify as being on the moderate to high end of the spectrum (autism exacerbation), significantly neurodivergent, or gender dysphoric/considering transitioning, please seek someone with specific interest, knowledge and training in these areas. 3) If you’re embroiled in high conflict relationship/divorce battle/custody crisis, dramatic infidelity, domestic violence or other toxic relational dynamics, please seek one of the multitude of therapists and/or coaches who specialize in these challenges. 4) If you’re taking methamphetamine-based stimulants (Adderall in particular), benzos or opiates, two or more mood stabilizers or anti-psychotics, or have unmanaged chronic pain, uncontrolled high blood pressure, dependency on alcohol, street drugs, gaming, or porn/compulsive hyper-sexuality, I get it. However, the compromised vibrational and psychological states these substances/conditions/process addictions/habits create or exacerbate would prevent us from accessing the basic sense of embodiment and mind/consciousness my offerings require. That said, if you’re committed to achieving freedom from substances, process addictions and/or psych drugs with the help of an integrative, functional or other holistic health provider and engaging harm reduction/recovery support, I may be open to assisting.

Inside Therapy Outside the Box, with optional co-therapist Foxy :>

“Brilliant, innovative, compassionate, professional and devoted to his craft, Chris is one of the greats in the Nashville area. Highly recommend him without reservation.”

-Bedford M. Combs, LMFT, Heartstream Journeys, Franklin, TN

“I have been in and out or counseling for the last 12 years to resolve complex trauma from my childhood and without a doubt, Chris has been the most helpful and effective therapist of the several I have worked with. Chris’ skilled use of Internal Family Systems (IFS) techniques has helped me release the pain of traumas I thought I would carry the rest of my life. This has not only impacted my emotional health, but my physical health as well. I’ve lived with chronic illness and the work we have done has significantly helped reduce my pain and anxiety! Now when I go through a painful flare, I’m able to remain calm instead of being wracked with anxiety and panic attacks, which in the past would heighten the pain. Working with Chris has hands down been the best investment I’ve ever made in myself. I am not exaggerating when I say that our work together has genuinely changed the course of my life. If you’re considering working with him, get his waitlist becuse it’s worth the wait.”

M.R., Nashville, TN

“Chris has changed my life. I’ve had other therapists over the years, but none have helped me work through trauma the way he has. His approach is thoughtful and insightful, and he creates a safe environment to go deep, uncover and work through everything. In just handful of sessions Chris has impacted my life and helped me unblock in ways I never thought possible!”

J.B., Franklin, TN


If you’ve tried conventional therapy, or just know you need something different, get in touch to see if we’re aligned to work together.


(No texts please :)

CHECK OUT MY specialties. Some AVAILABLE via Telehealth/Video FROM VIRTUALLY ANYWHERE.

ENERGY PSYCHOLOGYSubconscious Heal and Release® is a hybrid, customized intuitively-guided energy psychology(ep), somatic and solution-focused approach that taps higher consciousness/higher self and harnesses the ancient power of invocation/spiritual science of the spoken word to clear the ‘energetic signatures’ of trauma, limiting beliefs and trapped emotions to achieve kinesiologically-measurable mind-body-spirit alignment with all you wish to feel, do, and manifest.Learn more


Subconscious Heal and Release® is a hybrid, customized intuitively-guided energy psychology(ep) and solution-focused approach that taps higher consciousness/higher self and the subconscious mind. The method utilizes the ancient power of invocation and the spoken word to identify and clear the ‘energetic signatures’ of trauma, limiting belief-based thought patterns, and trapped emotional energies to achieve kinesiologically-measurable mind-body-spirit alignment with all you wish to feel, do, experience, accomplish, and manifest.

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SPIRITUAL SUPPORTSupport for Extraordinary Experience® (S.E.E.) specialty offers knowledgeable assessment, exploration, and integration assistance for of all varieties of mystical/non-ordinary, potentially spiritually transformative experiences. S.E.E. is a comprehensive psycho-spiritual/transpersonal process to help ‘experiencers’ explore, assign meaning and integrate their experiences— i.e. those commonly misunderstood, stigmatized, or pathologized by conventional medical, religious and/or psychiatric and mental health professionals.Learn more


Support for Extraordinary Experience® (S.E.E.) is for those having experienced any and all varieties of mystical/non-ordinary/anomalous, potentially spiritually transformative experiences. A comprehensive psycho-spiritual service to help ‘experiencers’ explore, assign meaning and integrate their experiences— i.e. those commonly misunderstood, stigmatized, or pathologized by conventional medical, religious and/or psychiatric and mental health professionals. This includes those desiring to prepare for, process, or more fully integrate psychedelic medicine experiences.

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INTEGRATIVE COUNSELINGIntegrative Counseling offers a comprehensive approach to making peace with our past, cultivating self-fulfillment and a life of infinite possibilities. This is a unique form of holistic, progress-focused, integrative counselin…


Integrative Counseling offers a comprehensive approach to making peace with our past, cultivating self-fulfillment and a life of infinite possibilities. This is a unique combination of traditional, holistic, progress/solution-focused, integrative counseling that focuses on the intersectionality of mind, body, spirit, health and wholeness through a blend of traditional talk-based and coaching-style methods. This is an ideal approach for those not necessarily interested in or comfortable with my more experiential and/or ‘out there’ methods. Although it often awakens one’s curiosity, courage and readiness for what more is possible!

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Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) is a revolutionary, intuitive, shamanic-based, evidenced-based, trauma-informed therapy that’s evolved over 30 years into a life and spiritual path. Applied creatively and transpersonally via the assistance of higher guidance, often including the loving intervention of crossed-over loved ones and the spirit realm, through connecting with our infinitely whole and undamaged Larger Self, we come to understand, heal, and transform the most vulnerable parts of us with deepest pain, as well as those that had to adopt over-protective roles in our system. The result is greater internal harmony, cooperation, calm, courage, peace, and what in IFS we call a Self-led person.

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Multidimensional Divine Light Transmission® (MDLT) is an embodied, relational spiritual presence experience. An organic extension of my own Dark Night of the Soul-spiritual awakening-initiation/evolution, the name was literally downloaded by Higher Sources. MDLT utilizes my cultivated ability to enlist various Illumined Ones/Supreme Beings to assist others with their healing, alignment, spiritual discernment, perception and awakening intentions. In short, it’s a safe co-Facilitated Mystical Experience (FME) with broad application for those seeking a direct personal, visceral spiritual contact and healing experience.

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