COVID-19 and The Sickest and Poorest Among Us

Here we are several months into the pandemic.


I don’t know about you, but I still don’t know what to BELIEVE ABOUT it.

Belief ITSELF is a mighty funny thing!

All I know is, I’m about as tired of it as you probably are. But how could my first blog post be about anything but?

I mean, COVID-19 is the main thing we earthlings all have in common right now.

Antarcticans aside, I guess.

And New Zealand has less than 100 active cases I hear. But they have more sheep than people, so does that count? :>

levity aside, my heart energy goes out far and wide to the marginalized and compromised populations most heavily affected on every level by this event.

COVID-19 has hit poor minority communities—those with the most compromised baseline health and less than optimum infrastructure— the hardest, as most major tragedies seem to do.

In my daily meditations (which I’ll be discussing more in future posts), during my violet flame decrees specifically, I begin by calling for:

“THe blessed Divine Emissaries of Light to uphold, uplift, bless, heal, protect, and release from bondage all sentient beings—especially, or beginning with those communities of individuals currently infected or most affected by the health crisis plaguing the earth. and so it is. glory be to God. amen.”

While that ain’t throwing a billion dollars at it, I believe in the power of prayer, energy, focused, consistent intention, and of love—especially in numbers.

and let’s be honest, I don’t possess a billion dollars. If you don’t also, wont you join me?

I’ve made a few slots of my Energy Healing available as pro bono or “pay what you’re able” to those directly affected, especially economically. As well as to my current Integrative Counseling clients affected similarly.

If you feel you would BENEFIT by either of these services, I’m here. I’ll work with you the best I can.

