"I AM Safe, Worthy, & Loveable"

“I AM fundamentally safe, intrinsically worthy, & inherently loveable.”

Try this:

Sit comfortably. Take 5 deep, slow, diaphragmatic belly breaths. Then, call upon your Higher Self, and repeat this statement slowly out loud.

What do you notice?

Do you feel connected to it?

What does your body tell you? Sensations? (Lightness, heaviness, twitches, tension?) Memories? Images? Emotions?

Does it feel true?

How true?

When starting work with people using the intuitively-guided, energy psychology/somatic and solution-focused Energy Healing approach I call Subconscious Heal and Release®, we’ll often begin with this target statement, or some variation of it.


Because it gets right to heart of some of the core wounds in areas where we all have some damage—Safety, Worthiness, Lovability.

Everything springs from our deep down sense of who we think we are (identity) and our basic sense of safety, worthiness, and lovability. All that we truly feel, believe, experience and trust about ourselves, others and the world arguably flows from this.

So where better place to begin a healing journey?

What’s interesting is, at the outset, even the most high functioning, accomplished, well-rounded, seemingly securely-attached among us often turn up “weak” or less than ‘10 of 10’ strength of alignment on this (as calibrated via kinesiological muscle testing + claircognizant/clairsentience).This indicates the presence (i.e. “energetic signatures”) of subconsciously-held traumas, limiting beliefs, and or/ damned-up emotional body-based energies blocking mind-body-spirit coherence with the statement.

The reversal of which is the ultimate goal of Subconscious Heal and Release®.

No real surprise though, is it?

Because no matter who we are, where we come from, or how good we had it early on, life (in any modern industrialized western matrix at least) relentlessly chips away at these fundamentals from the moment we pop out of the canal onward. Our indoctrination into fear and conformity-driven ‘consensus reality’ society and culture does a number on us all in ways small and large.

Think about this:

What’s the bottom line premise of every single advertisement for anything anyone is trying to sell you?

I’d say it’s this:

“You’re not enough.”

I mean, imagine if we all KNEW—to the very depths of our being— that we ARE fundamentally, intrinsically, inherently enough (safe, worthy, loveable, complete) just as we are, for who we are. (Our Higher Self of course already knows this, and this is what/who we connect with in Subconscious Heal and Release®).

Would we then ‘need’ for anything beyond the basics to make us feel okay, complete, loveable…enough?

Sure, we’d still desire and choose more. We’re human! But we would not be swayed by the Svengali-like false promise of our need for __________for completion; as our ticket to arrival into a Shangri-La of now finally-but-not-without this _______(thing they’re selling).

(The self help industry, for all its pluses, is as guilty of this as anything).

I’d say the ever-present 50%-ish USA divorce rate probably also largely springs from our collective deficits in these same core psycho-emotional areas.

This is why I love to begin working on this fundamental level. Because whatever other future-present based goals and dreams we may have—more abundance, a happier, healthier love relationship, a career or life path with greater meaning and purpose, a stronger and clearer connection to our Authentic Self, and to Spirit, when there are significant core energetic/somatic blocks in our fundamental sense of safety, security, worthiness—OUR ENOUGH-NESS—we’re going to struggle.

We might even sabotage what we’re able to muscle through to create.

Because it’s one thing to create something. To land a good gig, find a decent partner, begin building some financial security. It’s yet another to sustain it, to replicate it, and keep on creating, sustaining, and replicating.

Like a great athlete, if the fundamentals are not there, or get forgotten, the streak of high performing is in jeopardy; the legacy fragile.


If you’ve been looking for a Nashville Therapist or a Therapist in Franklin, especially if you felt any less than FULL STRENGTH on the statement up top and want to get rock solid on YOUR fundamental, deep down sense of SAFETY, WORTHINESS, and LOVEABILITY, reach out for a FREE 20 Minute Consult to learn more about how Subconscious Heal and Release® can help you.

Some of my services are available the world over via Telehealth/Secure Video format.

Visit me at: Therapy Outside the Box to learn more about me and all my services, email me at chris@therapyoutsidethebox.com, or call me directly at 615.430.2778.

“There’s an Outside the Box Solution for Every Problem.”

Peace, Safety, Worthiness, and Lovability—-

Chris Hancock, LCSW, ACMHP

Franklin, TN