The Great Reset = Global Digital Dictatorship?

“They are going to turn your home, car, and your community into a digital concentration camp with absolute control along with the technology to enforce it”

—Catherine Austin Fitts

Does the above quote sound extreme? Like science fiction? Horror? Paranoid Fantasy?

I’d have been at least partially inclined to think so pre-2020. But with all that’s gone on in the world since then, arguably going all the way back to 9/11, and reflecting on things like Huxley’s Brave New World, the prescient work of Rudolph Steiner, or even what George Carlin always warned about through his subversive dark comedy, well, maybe not so extreme. Or fantastical.

I don’t spend much time ‘inside’ the box these days. I watch no current television or corporate mainstream news. The coverage of the politically weaponized pandemic has proven to me beyond any doubt that all corporate media, if it wasn’t already, has been captured and thoroughly corrupted by the agendas of the unholy alliance of three branches of government: Big Agriculture/Food, Big Pharma, and Big Tech. It’s now almost entirely propaganda curated to to manipulate, instill fear, divide, and manufacture compliance and consent. That’s the goal of all propaganda, of course. To add to it, internet mass tech-led censorship, shadow banning and kabuki theatre quotient is off the rails.

For me, the insane goings on in our consensus reality clown world, especially the geopolitical Global Dark Night we’re experiencing—archetypal and spiritual implications aside— has had to mostly take a back seat to staying grounded and focused on what matters: family, health, work, and my spiritual development and initiation odyssey. Yet, I follow along and know enough to be dangerous, as they say. I know whose views and opinions I trust, why I trust them, and why not so much others.

As I write this, in real time, most of the country seems more than happy to be dramatically distracted by the soon to be totally irrelevant Oscars’ slap heard ‘round the world. Meanwhile, as you know, Russia is slaughtering Ukrainians while robbing their own citizens of what little rights and sovereignty they had to begin with. And as you may not know, because there’s been little to no mainstream coverage, mass killings have been going on in Ethiopia. The threat of global food shortages are looming. At minimum there seems to be a renewed cold war mindset taking hold.

More to the point, just last week our current sitting president recently literally declared the oft-labeled conspiracy theory of the Globalist-led New World Order to be not only real, but upon us and in full swing. And that we, the U.S. must lead it. Remember when the ‘New World Order’ was like the reigning crown jewel of discredited conspiracy theories? Me too! Remember when UFOs were branded swamp gas? Pure fantasies of tin foil hatters and/or delusions of the desperate for attention, or the ‘mentally ill?’ Me too! Even the mystically-minded Jung ultimately chalked the phenomenon up to non-physical archetypal projections of the collective unconscious. And there’s probably something, some element of that at play. But can non-physical projections, figments, holograms, fantasies or illusions be tracked on radar like the military has been releasing?

In any case, it’s a New World alright.

And insofar as this NWO is [allegedly] synonymous with the Klaus Schwab/World Economic Forum-led Great Reset Globalist Agenda in which we will all ultimately “own nothing and like it” and have our every thought, feeling, decision and action monitored, scrutinized, and controlled, effectively severing what little remains of our own personal sovereignty, freedom, liberty and privacy… well, I’m paying a bit more attention here and there now.

Few can describe what led us here better than Richard Dolan, who is in my view a cosmically-inclined but utterly grounded genius and visionary. Although I’d say Dr. Peter Breggin, M.D., author of Toxic Psychiatry, long considered the ‘conscience of psychiatry’ is doing a good job opening eyes from his side of the street as well. He also sees a dystopian digital ID nightmare on the horizon. Breggin’s recent book COVID-19 and The Global Predators: WE ARE THE PREY (2021) is one shocking account. It’s all I could do to get through it. Unless you’ve already read Peter Gozsche M.D.’s Deadly Medicine and Organized Crime: How Big Pharma Has corrupted Medicine (2013) and already know the bitter truth about the complete hijacking and corruption of much if not most of our medical system and scientific establishment—from education to testing and research to diagnostics to billing to patient care— by the pharmaceutical industrial complex, and you’re ready for the morbidly ugly backstory of the recent pandemic and all the implication thereof, then I’m actually not recommending it. Can’t un-know how the sausages are made.

But should we be surprised?

“Nothing in this world works the way you think it does. Banks do not loan money. Governments are not empowered to protect you. The police department is not there to serve you. Institutions of higher learning, colleges and educational institutes are not there to educate you. The entire superstructure of the Western world is a combination of brilliantly put together and well-planned schemes to direct the minds of the people in such a way as to serve their masters.”

-Jordan Maxwell, Matrix of Power

Holy red pill.

In any case, back to Richard Dolan. He’s best known as an academic historian turned preeminent UFO researcher and author. But his scope has always been far wider than just the UFO enigma. In this video, he summarily breaks down the stages of humanity’s evolution, up through the emerging Great Reset that he reclassifies as The Fourth Stage: The Global Digital Dictatorship. I post it for anyone who may wish to get up to speed and/or expose themselves to a new alternative, expansive view of where we’ve been and where we seem to be headed, like it or not. Please view with your discernment, intuition and critical thinking up front.

So, beyond staying informed as possible via what I intuit to be non-corrupted sources, while I’m by nature eternally hopeful and possibilistic [despite the red pill pragmatic realism expressed here] I’m not sure what any one of us can do to alter the potentially more sinister giveth-and-taketh-away elements of the apparent globalist agenda descending upon us. Not to mention the darker aspects of the technological AI and Transhumanism agendas. That is, beyond the only thing we ever have total control over— praying for peace, for the forces of light, truth, and the highest good to prevail. And remaining mindfully and intentionally focused on our own healing, awakening, consciousness elevation, spiritual growth, embodying of love and compassion, and kindness to one another.

That’s first and foremost the priority for myself and most of those who work with me here in Therapy Outside the Box.

I hope, wish and pray the same for you, whoever you are, wherever you are.

“Find your inner self and fight the good fight”

-Richard Dolan


Chris Hancock, LCSW, ACMHP

Franklin, TN

