2024 Return to Mystical Mt Shasta--2.0

View of the ‘White God,’ from Castle Lake- 8/24

More Shasta Shenanigans

(Or, why I’m still a ‘possibilist’)

Gathering myself to write this post hence, while clumsily readjusting back to consensus reality, I see this is my first blog entry since last year’s trip to the magic mountain. Just as well since few people read blogs anymore. Or read anymore period, it seems. (I literally hear this from folks all the time and it makes me sad). And most of my sharing these days is on IG, for better or worse. In any case, this is mostly for nostalgic documentation of my goings on in this most mysterious and sacred place that keeps calling me.

If YOU actually are reading this, I hope it inspires a little extra sense of what’s possible if you take a leap into the unknown, with hope, trust and faith.

As usual, this pilgrimage was full of twists and turns. Some beautiful and mysterious. And of course a little requisite WTF??

This will be as short and sweet as I can manage. I don’t have the energy for a four-parter like last year. Yet if you know me, and if brevity is the soul of wit, I am, dear reader, as witless as they come!

So let’s get started…

Day One: Panther Meadows

Mt Shasta being a large ass mountain, I chose like last year to go where my Higher Guidance (‘HG’) suggests each day.

My ‘HG’ is a form of claircognizance/clairgnosis that came online years back in the midst of my near decade-long burnout come atypical mid-life crisis meets Dark Night of the Soul show stopping finale. One that brought me to my proverbial and literal knees. And truthfully, to the edge of what felt like real madness. Followed by an epic surrender experiment of many months where one day I received the first (or second?) of many messages via download. This one being received unexpectedly at the very end of a meditation:

"You are being given a gift of Holy Discernment.”

I didn’t know exactly what that meant, only that I didn’t consciously think or imagine it. I had never heard or put those two primary words together. Yet it came landed in my consciousness clear as a bell.

Wasn’t until weeks later while conducting an energy psychology session with someone using more or less conventional kinesiological muscle testing (finger test) that I noticed my head suddenly involuntarily nodding up/down, or left/right, clearly indicating yes/true, or no/false in accord with the muscle testing results.

Soon occurred to me that this was the practical application of the ‘gift of Holy Discernment.’ A most unexpected blessing.

Yet, no instruction manual!

5 years later I’m trying to figure best practices—how to account for apparent false positives (i.e. ‘paradoxical responses’) and other oddities.

Surely there are some things I/we are just not supposed to know, is one thing. Things that are simply not in our/the highest good to have confirmed or disconfirmed, for they may intrude upon our or others free will, our or their learning and growth.

One thing about it I know and trust: It was gifted by the Holy Spirit itself, dab smack in the midst of horrendously painful and confusing subjective darkness. Forever grateful.



So, day one. I was sent to Panther Meadows, the famed spot of Saint Germain’s (my ‘gateway guide’ from the start of all this) appearance back in the 1930’s to Guy Ballard, resulting in a series of dictations/lessons (‘I Am Discourses’) and what would become two books on the esoteric spiritual tradition that grew out of these encounters.

HG directed me to go waaaay down to nearly the bottom of Panther Spring, which is really not even a trail. You’re just following the twists and turns of the beautiful babbling brook, down, down, down. Over hills, rocks, boulders, fallen tress, and brush for days.

But the time I got to the spot I was told to sit, I noticed my old boxing gym hill sprint-related left knee injury acting up. Probably because I excitedly pounced down parts of the mountain too hard. But as I sat and prepared for meditation, it stopped bothering me, so I forgot about it.

I settled in for two separate mediations, or ‘spirit communions’ as I think of them. In these two I was joined by Tudiah and Adama, respectively. You’ll hear these names a lot in this post.

Tudiah is, apparently, a Fifth Dimensional (5D) feminine Lemurian/*Telos inhabitant who's been working with me in my personal spirit communions for nearly a year, since my first trip to Shasta. Adama is the ‘High Priest’ of Telos. The Mac Daddy. An Ascended Master that many before and currently channel, including someone I know personally.

And *Telos is the ‘Crystal City of Light,’ an advanced, enlightened 5D inner earth civilization located beneath Mt Shasta.

(Out there, I know. Still with me? :>)

Telosians are said to be Lemurians who escaped the cataclysmic fall of the fabled (many say purely mythical) sunken continent of Lemuria long ago, along with Atlantis. Via their higher dimensional consciousness, know-how and abilities, they’re said to have created and colonized an idyllic inner world powered by The Great Central Sun beneath the sacred mountain, often called the root chakra of the earth. One of many inner earth territories said to be part of a globe-wide Agatha Network.

(Whether you believe any of this or not is irrelevant. I’m not making a case for it against it, merely reporting here what I experience).

In any case, two beautiful but otherwise unremarkable meditations/spirit communions commenced, followed by my making my way back up the rugged not-so-much-a-trail to the top of Panther Meadows.

Almost as soon as I began my ascent, my knee started really aching. All the way to the point of literally limping for a good portion of it. Soon as I became aware of fears of having to be airlifted out, and noticed I had no cell signal (and hadn’t seen a soul since my descent), I invoked ‘miraculous emergency spiritual healing of my knee.’ I did so over and over on mantra-repeat while I hobbled up the hill, cursing the foolishness I exhibited on the way down.

Oh, and did I mention it was raining the entire time?

Wouldn’t you know it, I soon noticed the pain subsiding and the strength to make it up emerging. When I asked my HG if I was receiving the requested support, I got a ‘yes.’ When I asked from whom, after running through my mental file o’ fax of the usual suspects, I got a hit on…Archangel Haniel.


It gets better: By dinner that night, then the next morning, I would even more amazed to discover zero pain. Not even the slightest discomfort in that knee. Like it never happened. And I’m not exaggerating when I say, it was bad coming back up the trail. I feared the whole trip might be blown. No such bad luck was to be!

Never hurts to ask.

Day two thru five: Old Ski Bowl Trailhead

Condensing my account of these days through the middle because HG all lead me to this same place, albeit different locations each day. Sometimes to two separate ones each day. And because these four days are already blurred together in my mind and memory. Such is what tends to happen when you spend multiple days in a row in an altered state of consciousness, experiencing the wildly unexpected things I’ll share soon.

Each day took me to new areas somewhat off the beaten trails and into one of the little oasis where there was at least partial tree cover shielding me from the blistering sun rays. (I still managed to get a wicked ass sun burn the first day on this trail).

Following my HG is not always a clear and laser focused activity. There were times where fear crept in. Fears that I was being misdirected, taken for a ride, that I would get lost and have no cell signal, etc. Some of the hikes were more steep and rugged than I bargained for. And each day was fucking hot. (sorry for the cuss, mom). But I kept with it, prayed and asked all my guides, holy ones, angels and masters etc to be with me each day, every moment.

They were.


The vast majority of time each day (roughly six hours a day) was spent in meditation/spirit communion, interspersed with breaks, down time, reflection, short walks. Each day my spirit hosts were Tudiah and Adama, while I had Mother Mary, Goddess Sophia, Archangels Haniel and Chamuel, Ascended Master Saint Germain and Portia, and my two personal spirit guides and Guardian Angel supporting, guiding, holding space.

The long and short of day two and three in the spirit communions with Tudiah and Adama was that the work was all about raising my frequency/vibration to reach 100% of a match to 5D frequency/vibration. Ostensibly, so that should a portal open to Telos, the City of Light beneath the Mountain, I would be able to safely enter into and tolerate/withstand the significantly higher frequency/vibration.

Believe it or not, entering a portal to the inner earth underworld of Telos was the much prophesied outcome of this journey, many times over, via various telepathic messages from multiple higher sources over this past year.

In one of those, Tudaih communicated and presented to me an image of the Willy Wonka ‘Golden Ticket,’ seemingly as a way of letting me know I was being invited to visit Telos. or a candidate at least. I tied to hold it loosely, with gratitude and hope, believing it at least possible, because anything is, staying open to this unique privilege should it come to pass. At the same time realizing that while there are individuals past and present who claim to have visited inner earth territories, both astrally-psychically and literally-physically, it might also be a one in a gazillion.

But when I feel led to something, especially something that has potential to be spiritually extraordinary—and extraordinarily rare—as long as I don’t feel it can bring harm, I’ll always throw my hat in the ring.

What I understood as I went (via HG) was that when I arrived in Shasta this year my 5D frequency match was b/w 80-85%—largely the result of the work Tudiah has been doing with me most of the year on achieving the necessary vibration. And after a few days of intensive meditative concentration with Tudiah and Adama’s help, it was increasing.

Now here’s the most unexpected, wildly mystical part of the journey…

Mystical Disco

Have crystals, will travel, ‘in my wife’s gigantic boots’ (she told me to include that :)

“I feel the earth move, under my feet, I feel the sky tumbling down…”

Starting on day two, my first out on Old Ski Bowl (the day I came back with pretty bad facial sunburn) I started to notice a nudge to stand up between sitting meditations. Not walk around, but just stand there. Interesting.

On this first day it followed a meditation with Tudiah, so I was asking her what was happening here, and what I needed to do. What I got was that someone was coming in to work with me. Someone other than her and Adama, someone feminine, and who would be energetically on the surface with me.

“Would I see her,” I asked? ‘No.’

“Would I hear her?” ‘No.”

“Will I feel her?” ‘Yes.’

And feel her I did!

I first felt my body swaying back and forth. Then my hips jetting back and forth. Then round and round in circles. Then in angular shapes, with my arms starting to swing along. Then a kind of hip shaking running in place. Mind you, I’m not doing any of this. I’m not really into dancing, and that was the last thing on my mind!

Following along, in the flow, just letting my body do what it wants to do. Much like in my meditation/spirt communions, and in my role in Multidimensional Divine Light Transmission (MDLT)—a 100% theurgical, Source-guided, quasi-therapeutic modality that’s a direct outgrowth of all this that came online years back—where my head involuntarily sways and rolls around, largely in the infinity symbol formation. A clear indication that some ‘other’ force, energy or being is connecting and working with/through me, and for the recipient.

Over the next four days, each day, there were interludes between sitting meditations of this ever increasingly wild, sometimes bizarre, erratic but never out of control standing movement. Although I did lose balance and fall flat on my arse once but didn’t get hurt. After that I kept my eyes partially open for balance and spatial awareness sake.

At another point I recall an upper body twisting motion starting, which immediately alarmed me due to bulging disc injuries caused by too much twisting motions in my old boxing workout routine. Instead of stopping, I right away said internally: ‘please no twisting because of…” and before I could even finish the request it switched to fluid hula hoop-like circle motions.

I called my main spiritual partner-in-crime one night, herself an emerging channel and fearless trailblazer, and described the phenomenon detail. Among other things she said:

“It sounds a lot like ecstatic dance.”

She was right. I hadn’t thought about it like that.

On day three it reached fever pitch. The movement got increasingly wilder and faster. To the point where I was marveling at the fact that my 54 yr old hips could do what they were being directed to do, as fast as they were. It was like a barefoot-planted version of Sufi whirling devilish ecstasy sped up to 78 rpms that (with brief breaks) went on for two hours or so a day.

Then I noticed the more I accepted and went with it, the more purely joyous it became. Weird as hell, but joyous! I would pray and chant, mantra, sing and shout through it the much of the time. At one point I was laughing out loud feeling like a ridiculous one-man Deep South rural charismatic church member, minus the snake charming, glossolalia, and culturally-embedded patriarchal bullshit :>

My heart opened further and further as I gesticulated the hours away. Bliss, peace, and joy. Ecstatic fo’ sho.

No drugs needed :)

If the devil had taken me over, he was failing miserably at scaring me.

Almost forgot…

On the morning of day two, driving toward the mountain, calling in all my guides and all to be with me, I was asking about the energy/being that was initiating the one man disco madness. I started to get an “A” name, Then “Al…” Shortly later, it comes to me, courtesy of Archangel Chamuel in this case:


The other relevant thing I determined was that she had the ability to energetically rise to the surface and initiate this kind of action. Action which was for the sole purpose of imbuing me with Fifth Dimensional light frequency and energy. To such a degree and with such intensity that no one’s physical body could possibly remain still while it was happening.

So, looking like an inappropriately dressed Deney Terrio a la 1970’s Dance Fever was merely by-product.

And here thought I had whole new career was being suggested :>

‘What’s the Frequency, Kenneth?’

After asking the night before to astrally travel to the Great Jade Temple (an intergalactic way station + 5D temple said to sit ethereally atop Mt Shasta) to have the temple healers and masters work with me further on increasing my frequency/vibration. I got that by the next morning it had climbed to 98%. (was b/e 90-95% by the end of day before as per HG.

Then after a most PROFOUND series of meditations/communions the next day with both Tudiah and Adama in which I experienced full-on Unity Consciousness (temporary dissolving of ego/personal “I” identity and merging with The One/All That There Is/The Absolute), as if that alone wasn’t enough—about halfway through the day, I get that we reached 100% 5D frequency match!

After a brief lunch break, I was directed to pack my stuff and head up the mountain further. I couldn’t help but think that with the necessary vibration reached, and moving to a higher elevation and presumably more secluded spot (it was), I might be quite possibly ready to redeem my ‘Golden Ticket.’

So I found the spot, settled in, and proceeded with another sitting meditation/communion with Tudiah, followed by, you guessed it, more Boogie Fever.

It went on, and on, only slower and more methodical as opposed to erratic abandon.

On, and on, and on, it went.

Until it started to slow, and we finally came to what was nearly usually the end of the day, around 4pm-ish.

The movement ultimately came to a stop.

I asked Allunah/my HG if the portal was going to open.

I got a soft, kind of somber feeling ‘no.’ (Tudiah had also literally apologized a few days earlier, forgot to mention, for it not being able to happen by the end of that day in which she apparently thought or herself hoped it definitely was ‘the day.’

The best I could get as to why not on this day, especially with the frequency match being attained and locked in, was that the inner earth conditions were not right, presumably to bring me though safely, along with assurances that I was doing everything- my part- right.

I accepted this, packed up and headed back down the mountain, a little disappointed of course, a little confused, and concerned with there being only one day left.

’And So Castles Made of Sand, Fall in the Sea, Eventually’

Castle Lake (spread my ashes here please)

Day six: My final day. This is where I stared to wax philosophical about all I’d experienced, what I had not and may not get to on this trip. My predominant emotions were at this point, and even more so now, awe and gratitude.

A week alone in pristine nature where guru’s in India send you, meditating and communing with higher evolved energies, no screens, hardly any humans around, having ego identity-dissolving Unitive Consciousness experiences, dancing involuntary like a raging fool that no ones sees while being pumped with heart-expanding fifth dimensional light frequency and energy, rinse and repeat…

What’s not to love? (Except missing my family).

Yet I was also aware that my ‘delightful anticipation’ of walking through a 5D portal into the crystal city was so far alluding me. And today was it. Last chance for at least another year.

My HG directed me to Castle Lake for this last day. I was more than happy for a break from the rocky, sun-pounding, dust cloud that is Old Ski Bowl. No offense OSB!

Castle Lake is expansive, pristine and absolutely gorgeous. Last year I got a clear download about a prior embodiment in ancient Egypt while standing in the lake as my then human guide did crystal blow alchemy which had the curious effect of attracting families of ducks to our side.

HG pointed me up and halfway around the lake, to a high elevation once again, not far off a hiking path, but far enough out of the way.

It was a perfect August day in Mt Shasta, ‘where Heaven and Earth meet,’ as the saying goes. The quiet, the scenery, clear view of mountain and the lake from up there. The skies, the lenticular clouds.

If you can be depressed or cynical up here, you’re not paying attention.

And not to be anticlimactic, but let’s cut to the chase…

In terms of my goings on, today was more of the same—two sitting meditations/communions, followed by a fair amount of slower, more relaxed ecstatic dance interludes. More like a wallflower swaying back and forth on the perimeter than Travolta tearing it up in the center.

I checked multiple times that all conditions were met—both frequency/vibration, that I was as prepared as can be, and otherwise, for the portal to open.

I kept getting a ‘yes.’

Yet as we came to nearly the end of the day, admittedly I’m pretty pooped at this point, all prayed, mantra-ed and meditated out was I, my final request for confirmation/clarity revealed that despite it, all the work on both sides (above and below in this case) it was looking like ‘they’ could simply not open the portal. Couldn’t make it happen. Along with assurances again that I’d done nothing wrong.

I sat for a good while, taking it all in, drinking in the majesty that is Mt Shasta, experiencing a range of emotion and perception.

And so I ended my last day on the mountain slightly conflicted, aware of parts of me that felt elated and amazed, and others with disappointment, feeling foolish, and one protective part lobbing out ‘I told ya so’s,’ and ‘too good to be trues,’ etc. But my parts tend to trust me and let me lead. I took a deep breath, connected to my heart and said inside: ‘I get it. But it’s all good.’ No Telos this time, but so much wild goodness happened. And we all know this path is full of mystery, right?

I got a sense of unanimous agreement with this reframe.

So with that, I made my way back through the picturesque Castle Lake trails and head out for a shower and some chow.

I actually drove out to Mt Shasta Brewing Company in Weed, CA to get one of their kitschy Lemurian Lagers. I figured at this point that’s the closest I would get to a real Lemurian. Wouldn’t you know, they were out of it.

So damn elusive!

Once a Possibilist, Always a Possibilist

In terms of the aforementioned predictions and prophesies in the long lead up to this trip pertaining to physically visiting Telos, I find myself essentially in the same place I was before I left, with some of my pre-existing positions reinforced.

One of them is that while anything’s possible (with God/The Divine), nothing’s guaranteed.

Even if various powerful, benevolent, enlightened higher/holy/angelic sources and your own guides and guardian angel suggest it’s a sure thing, slam dunk, done deal, in the can.

No guarantees. Anything can change on a dime, anytime.

The other, related to the above, is my long-standing view that all prediction/prophesy should be met with more than a healthy dose of healthy skepticism. For many reasons.

As we’ve all seen over time, they rarely come to pass. And if they do, rarely in or at the time/in the time frame predicted. Linear time is illusion, as we now understand from quantum science. And space/timelines apparently can and do shift in ways we’re only beginning to comprehend. Buying too hard into prophesy/prediction without healthy detachment and grounded discernment/skepticism can be dangerous. Even life threatening. Just ask the Haley’s Comet Cult members who unquestionably bought into their crazed and delusional leader’s prophesy that the UFO comet would whisk them away as they mass suicided in conjunction with the fly-over.

Then again, anythings possible. So maybe they made it, right? What do we know? Not shit, about shit, really.

So, dear reader. If you made it this far, I’ll leave you with this for the effort.

Something I’ve not shared with many…

What follows is the most recent (morning of writing this post) communication received from one of many higher sources I connect with, and who work for others through me via my Transpersonal Internal Family Systems (T-IFS) and Multidimensional Divine LightTransmission (MDLT) approaches in my Therapy Outside the Box work.

In what I call my ‘Lake Space Transmissions’ (Telepathically received direct communications) I received this from Archangel Chamuel:

Blessings! I am aware that things did not go quite as planned on your journey to Mt Shasta. Phrophesies and predictions are made of best intentions in combination with probabilities, subject to timeline variables and conditions that cannot always be guaranteed to be in place. Do not lose faith dear son! Your journey is a long game in-progress. All that you wish to experience, learn and bring forth will come to fruition. Your disappointment is valid given the great expectations of all that was set to occur. Do your best to surrender this too, knowing that the Divine plan always finds a way in time. Your effort was mighty, your mettle was tested. There is nothing more you could or should have done for the unmet expectations to have come to pass. Much more will be understood with time. Continue on spiritual soldier with heart, trust and hope for all that is meant for you and your mission.

With loving support,



With much love and support to you dear reader,

Godspeed, and may all possibilities be open to YOU!

Chris Hancock, LCSW


Franklin, TN

