Truth / Falsehood

Back in 2004 or so I discovered the work of Dr. David Hawkins, a renowned physician, author, lecturer, and researcher of consciousness. Best know still for his first book, Power vs. Force published in 1995, Hawkins penned I don’t even remember how many books until his peaceful passing in 2012 at age 85. His personal breakdown to breakthrough/ spiritual awakening odyssey is an inspiring tale of rising like a phoenix from the ashes of alcoholism and the most desolate spiritual wilderness, only to emerge as a true way shower.

Hawkins founded the Path of Devotional Nonduality, a spiritual pathway that applies the core truths of the world’s great traditions: kindness and compassion for all of life, unconditional love, humility, inquiry into the nature of existence, surrender, and Self-Realization. He developed the now classic Map of Consciousness (cannot be posted/pictured due to copyright).

Dr. Hawkins was also an archer, carpenter, blacksmith, musician (bagpiper, violinist, pianist), designer of prize-winning 16th-century French Norman architecture, and lover of animals. Quite a Renaissance man I’d say.

The Map of Consciousness is an inspired tool based on an algorithmic scale for determining the overall consciousness level and spiritual & emotional development of people, institutions, ideas/beliefs systems/ideologies, societies, even whole countries, ranging from the base and non-integrous level of shame (20) all the way to enlightenment (700-1000) localized by specific attractor energy fields.

The ways the various levels of human consciousness express themselves are profound and far reaching. Levels below 200 are out of integrity and therefore detrimental to life in both the individual and society at large, while those above 200 are in integrity and therefore constructive expressions of power. The decisive level of 200 is the fulcrum that divides the general areas of force and power— Truth from Falsehood. Emotional correlates of the energy fields of consciousness are rarely manifest as pure states in an individual. Rather, levels of consciousness are always mixed. So a person may operate on one level in a given area of life, and on quite another in another areas. Think polarities of light/dark (shadow).

So an individual’s overall level of consciousness and how it demonstrates is the sum total effect of these various levels. And as we progress (hopefully) in these categories, our reality changes in how we view God, how we participate in life, what we feel, and how we express ourselves in the world.

How did he actually measure consciousness levels, you might rightly ask…

Kinesiology/Muscle Testing

Muscle testing is a technique associated with Applied Kinesiology (AK), originally founded by Michigan chiropractor George J. Goodheart, Jr.. It’s a holistic diagnostic and therapeutic system that’s has been adapted and applied by many holistic and integrative health care practitioners, including yours truly. Many of the components of muscle testing were discovered by serendipity and observation. In 1964, Goodheart claimed to have corrected a patient's chronic winged scapula by pressing on nodules found near the origin and insertion of the involved serratus anterior muscle. This finding led to the origin and insertion treatment, the first method developed in AK.

Dr. Hawkins utilized kinesiological muscle testing (the arm test specifically) to access information he sought with respect to his calibrations (measurements) in conjunction with his Map of Consciousness.

In a significant way, he put muscle testing on the spiritual map, so to speak.

wisdom of the bodymind / tapping the field

The principle involved in muscle testing is fairly simple. The mechanism itself? Perhaps ineffable/unknowable. That’s where it gets interesting, if you ask me. The starting gate assumption is that the body never lies. It only knows how to and can only express truth—provided there’s a clear pathway to supplying the requested information.

Anyone can be shown and experience for themselves the simple “sway test” in which we stand upright, place hands over heart, lean forward and say “this is a yes,” then backward saying “this is a no.” We then return to center, take a breath, mentally or verbally surrender any agenda/expectation/attachment to outcome, remain still and allow the body to move (“speak”) in response to specific thoughts or declarative statements that would yield a clear yes or no. Such as “My name is Chris Hancock.” Or “My name is Johnny Rotten.” Or (on a Monday) “Today is Monday.” It can take some practice, but you get the idea.

My own way of applying this, as with the Energy Psychology-based approach I call Subconscious Heal and Release®, is through my higher guidance/ claircognizance/clairsentience via muscle testing— albeit, a muscle testing version that’s always online and comes through automatically via head movement. Up for “yes,” side to side for “no.”

While anyone can glean this kind of binary information with conventional muscle testing methods, in my case we could say a kind of auto-muscle testing is the pathway, but Spirit is without a doubt the mechanism. I believe this to be true for a variety of reasons. One of which is that the yes’s and no’s I receive are often accompanied by specific corresponding images, symbols, sharp intuitions and/or pieces of information that clearly come from something “other.” Many people throughout time have experienced and reported similar phenomenon. Nothing new there, really.

Caveat emptor

Now, is there any guarantee that Dr. Hawkins, his Map of Consciousness, kinesiological muscle testing, or my own hybrid way of bringing through information is inerrant? Infallible? Of course not. Like just about everything involving us humans, it’s subject to miscalculations, misunderstandings, blind spots, user error, unconscious bias, confirmation bias, false positives, negative or false-light spiritual interference, and God only knows what else. Applying healthy skepticism, Edison’s adage that “We don’t know millionth of a percent about anything,” critical thinking/reasoning and a good ‘ole grain of salt to any and all outcomes or information derived can take us a long way.

As for my own personal process of accessing higher knowledge via the wisdom of the bodymind and how I aim for accuracy and veracity therewith, I can tell you this: In advance of each and every inquiry, I call upon the Divine and all available Christ-Consciousness aligned highest and holiest for protection, guidance, assistance and accuracy. And I sincerely surrender in total all of my own ego-based, conscious, unconscious and personal agendas, biases, expectations and attachments to outcome.

What more can be done to ensure a clean and clear transmission of truth? I know not what. And it’s pretty spot on, I have to say.

modern application

When it comes to cutting through the subterfuge of the outer world, right to the heart of our intuitive wisdom, I know of nothing that matches the trustworthiness of what we can gather though this and similar methods that tap the body-based subconscious knowing and the cosmic reservoir (See: William James) where all is known.

And has there ever been a more important time to wield whatever sword of truth available than RIGHT NOW?

I mean, I know about you, but since all things 2020, into 2021, here on the cusp of 2022, with no real end in sight to the madness bordering on mass delusion, the rampant and increasing multimedia censorship, cancellations, de-platforming, the pharmageddon, the increasing possibility of this actually being in some way, shape or form an engineered, so-called ‘plandemic’ / ‘psy-op,’ as well as Covid19 now nearing variant-led endemic territory, etc… I’ve not been entirely sure who or what information to trust. As such, I’ve relied heavily on my own intuitive and higher guidance to guide me in my decision making, for myself and my family.

Unless you’re someone who tends toward trusting all you hear, see and read, and thinks the commercial media, government and major corporations actually speak truth and truly care about your well-being (in which case you probably wouldn’t be reading this) I’m sure you can relate.

As “all the worlds a stage,” nothing is always or only what it seems, reality is largely a perceptual co-created illusion and heavily manufactured (along with consent, see: Noam Chomsky), more than ever, in this post 9-11 cum 2020 upside-down world, we all need accurate-as-possible means of discerning TRUTH from FALSEHOOD.

We need a deep, enduring and fully embodied connection to TRUTH.

It seems our health, our freedom and sovereignty now more than ever depend upon it.

Quaker Covid.jpg

informational flooding

I’ve noticed, as I’m sure you have, that in the mainstream media’s 24 hour fear-cycle, or what’s been recently re-termed the Legacy Media (by someone I’d never in a million years imagined I’d reference), the narrative around all that’s been happening is escalating in its mongering, fact inflation/conflation, bribery/demands for compliance, shaming, scapegoating, and all out Kabuki theatre on steroids.

We all saw how the pandemic itself was heavily politically weaponized from moment one. Didn’t we? Perhaps that was easier to recognize for those of us more independent by nature, who don’t hang their hat or claim dying-day loyalty to any one party. But make no mistake, it was polemically charged from the start. So in a sense, what did we expect?

Propaganda and fear-mongering is of course nothing new. But this shits off the rails right now. As if the lockdown/isolation, economic devastation, and loss of life with all things Covid wasn’t enough, since the emergency roll out of the vaccines, now there’s the push toward medical mandates, vaccine passports, and the outright gaslighting, demonization and intentional mischaracterization via informational flooding campaigns targeting both those who choose not to take the jab (regardless of reason or rationale) and of viable treatment alternatives (See: Ivermectin—NOT the veterinary version. The HUMAN version that’s been around and safely used for nearly 40 years for all manner of diseases, won a Nobel Prize, and tops the WHO’s list of essential medicines. More on this below).

The angle seems all too clear: Divide, conquer, control, profit.

Social control at its finest.

Never let a good crisis go to waste, at least.

{Follow, follow, follow the money trail…}

wait, treatment? what treatment?

According to many behind the scenes yet obviously committed, experienced, brilliant, and reputable medical, virological, immunological, epidemiological and evolutionary biological geniuses (See: Not for profit FLCCC—Dr. Pierre Kory, M.D., et al), the entire family of Sars-Cov-2 viruses has always been treatable.

Read that again. Always treatable.

Shocked? In disbelief? Could it be true?

I was shocked, especially after the fist Covid-19 wave where all that ever happened was 1) get sick 2) get tested 3) get sent home to quarantine. 4) Maybe wind up in the hospital, and maybe not make it out.

And how many lives lost?

‘horse paste’ for no HUman

According to the abundant research of FLCCC and other studies out of Argentina, Israel and Japan notably, Ivermectin— again, the HUMAN version—which costs very little to produce and is therefore not profitable, greatly contributed to flattening the curve early in some states in India and Mexico during wave one. And consider that before – and since then – several other studies have shown the anti-malarial drug to be safe and effective in reducing COVID symptoms. The American Journal of Therapeutics published a study, "Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection," which concluded that the evidence was moderate-to-certain that “large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin.”

Here in the U.S., amidst the Legacy media’s recent Great Deworming Hoax, court orders are reportedly being sought and won behind the scenes throughout the country to administer Ivermectin to hospitalized Covid-19 patients running out of time and options. And its working. It’s saving lives.

But alas, pharmaceutical giant Merck (who used to make Ivermectin and knows its potential and range of applications), Pfizer, et al, who are already making multimillions on the V, and the complicit NIH and FDA and their cohorts in the mainstream media pipeline would never let you know this. Or encourage you to decide for yourself. Why?

The most obvious thing is, again, there’s no real money in repurposed medicines like Ivermectin and others that cost next to nothing to produce. And according to multiple sources, the emergency vaccine authorization would not have been granted if there were known pre-existing treatments available. Hence the demonstrably false premise that there was no treatments available for Covid-19, and the recent onslaught of dis/misinformation and outright lies about the grave dangers of ridiculously safe medicines like Ivermectin when administered properly, in proper does, like anything must be.

Full disclosure:

No, I’m not an Invermectin rep. Or a disinformation agent. And I’m not an “anti-vaxxer.”

I repeat: I. Am. Not. Anti-Vax. Or even “Hesitant” in the way that’s being portrayed. Sad, and telling, that I feel I have to be so declarative about that, but that’s the effect of such intentional, polarizing, tribalizing us/them mind control.

My own body is full of traditional inoculations, from childhood all the way through the malaria vaccine I voluntarily took prior to my first trip to India in my 30s. And I’m grateful for them all. But am I dubious (to say the least) about the mRNA technology deployment for this purpose? Yes. Am I convinced I personally have no need for it? (more on why below) Yes. Am I skeptical of the integrity and motives of Big Pharma, especially with respect to this? Absofuckinglutely.

But again: Not. Anti-Vax.

What I am is someone whose always taken my health in my own hands to the greatest degree possible, and who myself tested positive for Covid last November during wave one. My wife immediately tested positive after me. And were pretty sure both our kids did as well. We saw no reason to test them, and by the time we would have, they were over it. All of us being generally healthy, not immunocompromised, with no comorbidities or other high risk factors, it was pretty much a mild flu for my wife and myself, and a simple cold for our kids. I actually didn’t miss one telehealth session through the whole thing.

Surely, we felt lucky. And still do.

But we also deeply trust our immune systems. And we believe in natural immunity, like we all have for things like chicken pox (no vax for that, right?), and that natural immunity is at least as, if not more robust for this virus than the mainstream medical talking heads would have us believe. Studies—notably again out of Israel for one—seem to be confirming this.

Incidentally, maybe this is why Fauci himself, well over a year into this, can offer no clear answer on why Americans who’ve recovered from Covid-19 should get vaccinated. And on that note, what does it suggest that two senior FDA officials largely in charge of vaccine safety regulation just resigned, in the middle of a variant wave, over the current administration’s intent to roll out the booster shot plan without approval?

Help us out Doc

When this Delta Scariant came around, just to be extra sure and safe, we checked with our doctor. An experienced, critically thinking MD who practices functional and integrative medicine, to focus on actual health, after years of traditional medicine where all she did was mask symptoms with pills that healed no one. Her position? With our all having Covid-19 already, there was no need to do anything other than what we already do on a maintenance basis to stay healthy. But if we would like, she would prophylactically prescribe, you guessed it, Ivermectin, which has recognized anti-viral properties. Again, the HUMAN version. The one that’s said to be safer than aspirin when prescribed and utilized properly. She also recommended following the entire FLCCC protocol (Vit D, C, Zinc, Quercetin, Melatonin at night, and another thing I cant recall right now).

Naturally, we discussed her and out take on the V. She said, nearly verbatim “You’ve had Covid, got through it fine, right? You now have natural immunity. And you’re healthy. In my opinion, there’s no rationale, no need to vaccinate on top of it. This is not a traditional vaccine {We knew this]. It’s an experimental gene therapy [Also our view]. It may be fine for the elderly and obviously health compromised adults, but you and other people in good health have no need for a one-dimensional, likely cytotoxic spike protein therapy to help your immune system defend against this. As far as for children, there are zero studies as to the long term effects, because it was a new technology applied for this virus in a rushed manner. I would stay away from it.”

So, there’s that.


My family’s doctor prescribed HUMAN Ivermectin prescription {NOT a horse paste}

I’m well aware how loaded this all is. So you can hate on me for it, champion me for it, think I’m insane, brand me ‘anti-vax’ or drinking the holistic, anti-science cool aid. It’s fine. I have no dog in the race of how I’m seen and how anyone views my personal choices. And I feel no need to persuade you what to do or not do, dear reader. Because I could never know or decide what’s best or true for you.

But you know who does? Your own bodymind.

And I believe this: One size never fits all. And there’s almost always more than one way to skin a cat.

I am though, underscoring that there’s perhaps much more at play here than we all know, and that we’re all being fed a lot of horseshit. Not horse paste, but horseshit :> But honestly, you’d have to be completely asleep to not have at least sensed that already.

And there’s nothing new under the sun. This sun included.

Consciousness Calibrations

With all that said, I decided to check a few things out using Hawkins scale via my own hybrid form of muscle testing/higher guidance. Take it or leave it, but here’s what I got based on a random round of inquiries. Keep in mind that consciousness level calibrations determine the overall level of truth vs falsehood, and that the level of 200 demarcates integrity i.e. truth (200+) from non-integrity i.e. falsehood (-200).

overall consciousness level of:

the Mainstream/legacy media reporting on the pandemic:


use of vaccines for covid-19:


pharmaceutical companies deveopment of Covid-19 Vaccines:


View/belief/position that natural immunity rresulting from prior infection of covid-19 is robust and durable:


Ivermectin alone as treatment for covid-19:


front line covid critical care alliance {flccc] organization:


entire flccc treatment protocol for covid-19:


view/belief/position that flccc protocol provides more robust protection against initial infection of covid-19 than vaccine:


view/belief/position that flccc protocol provides more robust prohylactic protection against infection of covid-19 than vaccine:


view/belief/position that vaccine provides more robust protection against covid-19 infection than flccc protocol:


View/Belief/Position that Booster shots increase the effectiveness and protective capacity of vaccine aginst covid-19 infection:


view/belief/position that covid-19 virus was inadvertently realeased from a lab:


view/belief/position that covid-19 virus was intentionally realeased from a lab:


view/belief/position that the pandemic was pre-planned, i.e. a so-called “plandemic:


View/belief/position that the pandemic was/is a so-called psy-op {psychological operation]:


actual covid-19 plandemic/psy-op itself:


There you have it. Some of these levels surprised me. Some didn’t.

Ultimately, I just hope that you are in a good place with respect to all that’s going on, that you feel empowered to fiercely question everything, and take charge of your health in whatever way works for you and yours.

And consult the wisdom of your own genius, all-knowing bodymind!

If you’re looking for an Outside the Box Nashville Therapist or a Therapist in Franklin TN, or would like to consult with me from out of state or even further via Telehealth/Video, visit me at: Therapy Outside the Box, call me at 615.430.2778, or email me at

Peace, Love, and Truth vs Falsehood,

Chris Hancock, LCSW, ACMHP

Franklin, TN