'Past Life' Trapped Emotional Energy?

“I have absolutely no fear of death. From my near-death research and my personal experiences, death is, in my judgement, simply a transition from one state to another.”

-Dr. Raymond Moody


Confession: I’ve always been on the proverbial fence about past life-regression and past life information in general. I question the accuracy, veracity, validity, and practical utility of information gathered through regressions in general for a host of reasons. And maybe specifically that which is identified as originating in a past life. I tried a session once over a decade ago. The practitioner was lovely, experienced, and seemed completely legit. But it went absolutely nowhere. And I’ve heard similar accounts time and again, as recently as two months ago.

During a recent reiki session-trade in which my very talented practitioner on her own brought through information about a past life of mine in Egypt, I was seen as the son of a Pharaoh, and quite a student of the esoteric mystery schools. She connected this to my current and ongoing personal spiritual initiation process [documented a good bit here.] While this is super cool, and plausible given my lifelong esoteric interests, the pragmatist in me points out that she also knew something about what I’ve been experiencing spiritually in this stage of my life. Did that knowledge colored, even unconsciously, what she felt she was bringing in, being aware that I was open to and even seeking clarity about this. I don’t know. But, let’s say it was true and factual information, in absolute terms. It begs the question, what value is there to it exactly? I’m still pondering this.

But I digress a bit.

By contrast, reincarnation, as at least a strong possibility given my position on in the eternality of the soul, makes perfect sense to me. Always has. How could one lifetime be enough to learn all that our soul’s yearn to learn, experience, overcome? Seems nonsensical that we’d be given just one shot. Not to mention I feel the soul is multidimensional in nature anyway—that at least some souls have likely having lived and experienced lives in multiple dimensions through space and time.

Then there’s the problem of linear time as we understand it being largely an illusion. And the concepts of the multiverse and the operationally quantum and fractal nature of the universe calling into question (in my mind anyway) how if there really is only an eternal now, and/or multiple simultaneously levels of now, then is any lifetime we’ve lived before really past?

All this to say, is it possible that the term past life is a misnomer?

Regardless, plenty of ancient historical sources of wisdom suggesting our living multiple times, reincarnating, and the existence of past lives is fascinating. Dr. Brian Wiess’ work (‘Many Lives, Many Masters,’ etc) is especially compelling. And I often recount his own daughters account of a past-life regression that uncovered the exact origin of her sight-threatening eye condition to her amazement and satisfaction (after multiple regression attempts that turned up nothing, incidentally).

Trapped emotions

In the field of Energy Psychology (EP), there’s an understanding that the bodymind can and does harbor the ‘energetic signatures’ of trauma. And there’s thousands of years of ancient traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that suggests the same. Some of this energy that becomes energetic blocks and contributes to dis-ease on the physical level is even understood to be gestational via generational inheritances—energetic signatures passed on from one generation to the next until someone heals and clears it out.

Using my higher guidance/claircognizant/clairsentient ability (as informational source/pathway) and muscle testing, albeit an auto-version (as mechanism) I find this to be the case time and again when we get to this point in my Subconscious Heal and Release® healing and alignment approach.

Using this method, when we identify a trapped emotional energy signature blocking a person’s alignment with whatever target goal we’re addressing, after double checking it, I inquire through my higher guidance as to whether this is the person’s own trapped emotional energy from experience in this life, or a generational inheritance. It’s usually one or the other, but sometimes both. When there’s a generational component, I then inquire as to whether it’s a maternal or paternal inheritance, then trace it back to it’s origin point (Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother, etc).

Then I’ll ask “Is there any more about this [trapped emotional energy] that ______’s higher self would wish him/her to understand better or explore further? Often it’s a yes. Then I use my guidance to identify “age of cause” of whatever occurred that caused the emotional response to become trapped energy. Sometimes it can help to ask higher guidance if it was a singular/acute incident or event, or something more global/general resulting from an accumulation of emotional energy, such as being the result of ongoing dysfunctional or high conflict family situation, or what have you.

Once we identify what we believe it was that caused the emotion to become trapped (and once that’s confirmed by higher guidance) we ask if there’s any more about it we need to know. If its a no, we move on to the healing and releasing part.

past life emotional blocks?

Up until recently, after roughly three years of curating and applying my Subconscious Heal and Release® approach, in concert with my higher guidance, all information about trapped emotions locate them as originating either in the person’s experience in this lifetime, or they are generational, or both. Yet suddenly, about a month or so ago, I started getting a no to both inquires. The trapped energy was neither the person’s own from this life or generational. Leaving only one other point of inquiry that I could imagine. Past lifetimes.

And wouldn’t you know it. Bam. There’s been three cases to date of this turning up in the last few weeks.

You might wonder like I did (and still am wondering) why now? Why all the sudden is there past life trapped emotional energy in those who work with me? Why not before? Is this really accurate? Truth be told, I have no idea. I do believe the information to be accurate, because the process of divining information from Source/God Mind/The Field/Collective Consciousness/Cosmic Reservoir (whatever you might call it) is pretty spot on. And people tend to connect to what comes through informationally and typically feel an intuitive and/or somatic shift when we heal and release whatever has been identified as a block in their bodymind.

But why now are past life origins of certain trapped emotional energies turning up, I know not. To some degree, with any process that can be considered spiritual/psycho-spiritual or transpersonal, there’s is a degree of faith involved. The evidence of things unseen. I’m comfortable with that. My clients tend to be as well. And they tend to trust me, believe me to be in-integrity, and trust this process. For that I couldn’t be more grateful.

But damn, it’s not always easy to not really know!

I conjecture that this past life stuff may be arising now in connection with my own personal spiritual growth and development, my intuitive expansion, and/or the stage of this spiritual initiatory process I’ve been in for a few years and running now, ostensibly in preparation for becoming some kind of trance voice channel. Perhaps this info is alos coming through now because of the collective consciousness leveling up. Or, maybe it’s more a happenstance by-product of the particular folks seeking me out now who happen to be carrying significant past-life-based energetic blockages, whereas no one before had.

What value?

So far, my clients with whom we’ve turned up past life originations of trapped emotional energy have found it compelling. They’re open to it, but holding it loosely just as I do. These days, since going Outside the Box, I tend to attract and work with possibilists, just like myself, so that’s no surprise.

In the end, regardless of origin, the goal is to identify the blockage, understand what [higher guidance says] should be understood about it, then get on with clearing, healing and releasing it. The purpose of which is to achieve ‘10 out of 10’ mind body spirit and ‘all parts’ alignment with our goals.

Alignment in this sense can be understood as the elimination of subconscious, mindbody-based resistance to whatever is in our highest and best good. Whether a block is ours, a generational inheritance, or something carried over from a past life, the value of clearing it out is the same. As to the value of understanding the origin, that’s idiosyncratic to the person. Up to each of us.

Are YOU seeking a Therapist in Nashville? A Franklin, TN Therapist? Interested in consulting with me from a distance via Telehealth/Video from virtually anywhere?

Visit me at Therapy Outside the Box to learn more about the Energy Psychology-based approach discussed here, my Spiritual Support service, Integrative Counseling or my intuitively-guided approach to Internal Family Systems therapy.

You can also email me at chris@therapyoutsidethebox.com or call me directly at 615.430.2778.

Peace, love, and past life energetic clearing :>

Chris Hancock, LCSW, ACMHP

Franklin, TN